Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Globalization Is The Main Idea Of The Book Essay

1) First of all, what is globalization? And what are some arguments in favor of and against it? - Globalization is a process of increasing integration and the result of economic, cultural and political interdependence among countries. Globalization has been a controversial debate, since this phenomenon has affected the world in several ways. Consequently, there are plenty of economic, cultural and political arguments in favor of and against it. Some arguments in favor of globalization are that it promotes democracy, creates jobs (by dividing labor around the world), promotes knowledge and an interconnected world, and makes the world â€Å"borderless.† On the other hand, globalization is evil because transnational corporations exploit workers abroad, countries lose their own identities, promotes consumerism, destroys the environment and, most importantly, instead of improving a country’s society and economy, it actually creates more poverty. 2)What is the main idea of the book? - In his book How to Make Globalization Work, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz blames globalization and the entities that are in charge of its performance for many of the catastrophic events that have occurred around the globe, and for the astronomical increase in inequality and poverty on a global level. Stiglitz’s main concern is not globalization itself, though. By contrast, he believes that this worldwide phenomenon could have a positive economic and political outcome for both developed andShow MoreRelatedHybridity As The Cultural Effect Of Globalization- Introduction1563 Words   |  7 PagesHybridity as the cultural effect of globalization- Introduction According to Avtar Brah and Annie Coombes, the term hybridity originated as a biological term that was used to describe the outcome of a crossing of two or more plants or species. It is now a term that is used for a wide range of social and cultural phenomena involving mixing, and has become a key concept within cultural criticism and post-colonial theory (A. Brah and A.E. Coombes. 2000.). Marwan Kraidy defines the term as theRead MoreThe Three Areas of Globalization954 Words   |  4 Pages According to Thomas Friedman, â€Å"In Globalization 1.0, which began around 1492, the world went from size large to size medium. 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